2020 MELEd Virtual Exhibitor Registration

  • 20 Nov 2020
  • 21 Nov 2020
  • Virtual


  • The following will be added to the MELEd Conference exhibitor page: your organization’s name, logo, website link, one representative’s contact info, and a description (no word limit) of your organization.

    In lieu of a vendor fair, here is an opportunity for live connection with attendees! Share a link for attendees to connect live with a representative from your organization. You will set the hours for this live time in your description.

    After receiving an exhibitor login to SCHED (our virtual conference platform), feel free to link videos, presentations, graphics, photos, and more in your description for attendees to get to know your organization!
  • This option is for partner organizations invited by MinneTESOL.

Registration is closed

Dear Exhibitors, 

You are invited to be a part of the virtual 2020 Minnesota English Learner Education (MELEd) Conference, a partnership between MinneTESOL and the Minnesota Department of Education. This year’s virtual conference will take place on November 20-21, 2020. 

Each year, we welcome over 1,000 educators, administrators, teacher educators, paraprofessionals, graduate students, and others in the field of TESOL. In our inaugural virtual conference, we are providing valuable sponsorship options for our exhibitors. Based on recommendations from many of our annual exhibitors, we have decided not to organize a virtual exhibitor hall for attendees. Instead, please consider the following option for your organization. We believe we can continue our tradition of connecting you to our members as part of their conference experience.

2020 MELEd Virtual Exhibit (Updated since original email)


The following will be added to the MELEd Conference exhibitor page: your organization’s name, logo, website link, one representative’s contact info, and a description (no word limit) of your organization. Your description can also include links to videos, presentations, graphics, photos, and more.

In lieu of a vendor fair, here is an opportunity for live connection with attendees! Share a link for attendees to connect live with a representative from your organization. You will set the hours for this live time in your description.

Please contact
leahsoderlund@gmail.com with any questions or additional sponsorship ideas.


MinneTESOL does not share, sell, or exchange personal data from our members.