Please refer to a complete list of registration costs on the MinneTESOL website:
We offer day-of-event conference registration at an increased cost!
Please be sure to renew your MinneTESOL membership before you register for the conference to receive member only discounts! You can renew your registration here.
MINNETESOL SUPPORT FOR GROUP REGISTRATION ON PAPER IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE. Please group your attendees by registration category (members v. non-members, 1-day v. 2-day, etc.) and enter each attendee in groups using the "Add guest" feature in the registration form. Based on feedback that those interested in College IS-related sessions find it much easier to attend on Saturday of the conference, we have created a strong College IS track on Saturday, October 28; however, both days have much to offer for all areas of interest in EL education.
No refunds are no longer available.
For more information about the Minnesota English Learner Education Conference, please visit our website!
Address: PO Box 141072 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414Email: admin@minnetesol.orgMinneTESOL is a 501 (c) (6) non-profit organization.