TO REGISTER: Please scroll to the bottom of this page and click "register" in the bottom left corner of the screen.
All Registration options include BOTH days of the conference (Friday November 20 and Saturday November 21). There is no single-day registration option for this year's virtual conference.
Renew your MinneTESOL membership HERE
Group Registration: Those registering groups of 5 or more attendees from the same institution are invited to submit group registration on paper rather than online to avoid confusion across different categories of registration. The group registration form and instructions can be found HERE and on MinneTESOL's website in the Fall Conference information.
Specific Areas of Interest/ Interest Sections: A variety of sessions in all areas of interest will be available both days. The full conference schedule will be available soon!
The EL Coordinator's Meeting on Thursday, November 19 is a separate event from the MELEd Conference. In order to register for the EL Coordinator's Meeting, please click HERE. Note: The Coordinator Meeting is for K-12 English Learner Coordinators from Minnesota School Districts and Charter Schools.
For more information about the Minnesota English Learner Education Conference, please visit our website!
Address: PO Box 141072 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414Email: admin@minnetesol.orgMinneTESOL is a 501 (c) (6) non-profit organization.