(Regular Registration prices begin November 2, 2023)
** TO REGISTER scroll to the bottom of this page and
click on the "Register" button on the lower left side. **
For a complete list of registration options/costs for the conference, please view the registration prices/options on the left side of this screen. Please be sure to renew your MinneTESOL membership before you register for the conference to receive member only discounts! Renew your MinneTESOL membership HERE.
Early Bird Registration ended November 1, 2023. No refunds will be issued after November 3, 2023.
In order to keep the registration cost affordable for our attendees, please note a few changes for 2023:
2023 Conference Schedule: Friday’s keynote and sessions will be targeted primarily for K-12 ESL teachers and Migrant Education. Saturday’s keynote and sessions will primarily center around the Minnesota Humanities Center, Dual Language Immersion, College, Adult Basic Ed, and Teacher Ed. We will have wonderful sessions on both days to encourage everyone to participate as much as possible. Click HERE to view the 2023 Conference Schedule.
***The MDE K-12 EL/MLL Coordinator Day is on Thursday, November 16, 2023 and is a separate event from the MELEd Conference. To register for the MDE K-12 EL/MLL Coordinator Day please click HERE. Please Note: The Coordinator Day is for K-12 English Learner and Multilingual Learner Coordinators from Minnesota School Districts and Charter Schools.
For more information about the Minnesota Department of Education's EL/MLL Coordinator Day, please visit our website!
Address: PO Box 141072 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414Email: admin@minnetesol.orgMinneTESOL is a 501 (c) (6) non-profit organization.